PhotoSharing - like and instashare photo app

Build status

Buy Me A Coffee

This is an app written on Kotlin and using Firebase as backend.


Quick start

To start your own project

  1. Open FirebaseConsole and create new project for android with downloading the google-services.json (we will need it later).
  2. Before you start, go to FirebaseConsole and activate Email and Google authorisation on Auth tab, also Database Firestore and Storage should be activated too.
  3. Clone the project and put the file google-services.json inside /app folder, side by side to your
  4. Open the project using latest AndroidStudio 3.0 and open the project folder
  5. When Android Studio finished indexing project press Run to start the app

What next?

  1. Add Admob banner
  2. Publish to GooglePlay
  3. Create landing page

Application Starter

If you looking for starters, also could be found here: